How To Approach Women

Written By dav on Monday, June 20, 2011 | 6:27 AM

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How To Approach Women
You should realize before you approach women that most attractive women are BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS by most men. One of the reasons for this is that guys have NO IDEA what to do when they run into an attractive woman, so they do the same default thing: Dumb look, compliment. Also, you can’t BORE when you first approach women. If she’s most likely got a boring life like everyone else, and you do something that every one of the other 499 guys she’s going to walk by this month did, then you’re probably not going to attract any special attention. If you just start with the idea of NOT DOING WHAT OTHER GUYS DO you will be WAAAAYYYY ahead of the game.

This is fun, isn’t it? Bet you never thought you’d be thinking like a woman, did ya? What are a few things you might do to? Maybe NOT be like the other 499 boring, predictable, “nice” loser guys that have approached her? And BE interesting, attractive, attention-getting in a way that makes her feel like you might actually be someone to provide her with a pinch of spice in her life?

As you may have already predicted, I have a few more ideas (but don’t let that stop you from thinking about this on your own as often as you get a chance). To start with, you’d probably want to get rid of the “Wow, you’re a beautiful woman, and I’m just an average guy admiring you” vibe. That’s not helping. Next, you could take a moment and think about how a guy that she would feel ATTRACTED to might act, then choose that style.

My experience is that if you take an attitude of “I guess fate has good taste putting us in the same place, now let’s see if you have a personality to match your looks”, then stir in a generous portion of Cocky and Funny, you’re likely to do well.


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