Loving Myself First!

Written By dav on Monday, June 20, 2011 | 6:28 AM

Loving Myself First!
Loving Myself First!
There is nothing more than to love ourselves first! Most unhappy people have a very poor relationship with themselves and many times, they did not know that they do not know how to love themselves at all?
When our mind is full of excuses and weak desires, our inner self will probably be weak too. Often, we lean on the support of others in the hope to get that comfort. Such moment don't last long. The only way we can achieve anything is when we are committed to improving our relationship with ourselves first.
After all, what can an empty vessel contribute when it is empty? Only when we filled our own vessel with lots of goodness and strength, we then can in turn motivate and contribute positiveness to the people around us!
We must learn to raise our acceptance to people who are better than us, because they will inspire and motivate us. Never be afraid to unlearn in order to learn. Aligning our state of mind and emotions, we will start to experience better overall life results with the people around us and as well as the way we go about doing our task!
It is only when we stop being victims in our own life and take full responsibilities with our own life results, and that is the time when we unleash to be a quiet leader in our own life, innovating good changes all year round. We have the absolute power to use good words to affect our mind and emotional states. Using word 'must' fire off a greater sense of urgency and motivation!


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